Pre-健康 Dentistry

With guaranteed acceptance into LECOM


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY

Pre-Professional Advising

Pre-健康 Dentistry

职业生涯 in dentistry range from family dentistry, 牙科手术, and orthodontics to dental medicine, oral biology and pathology, and dental anesthesiology.


  • 时间轴 - Students should refer to Alfred University's Pre-健康 时间轴 and Pre-Dental Curriculum Checklist to assist them in career planning.
  • 课程作业-申请牙科学校必须证明在生物学方面的能力, general chemistry and organic chemistry, 物理, and mathematics. Additional courses such as biochemistry, 生理学, and upper level courses in biology and chemistry obtained with a major or minor will strengthen the credentials for undergraduates applying to dental schools; furthermore, applicants typically have a liberal arts background. 每所学校都有自己的要求,但学生应该参考牙科预科课程清单,以帮助他们制定学习计划.
  • Grades - Applicants should have a grade point average above a 3.0 as well as a general interest in the field of dentistry.
  • 考试-在牙科入学考试(DAT)中的表现是牙科学校录取过程中的另一个关键因素. 学生应不迟于计划入学前学年的秋季参加DAT.
  • 正式成绩单-必须提交所有以前的学术机构的成绩单.
  • Interview - Applicants must go through an interview process.
  • 了解教员是很重要的,这样他们才能写合适的推荐信. 的 Pre-健康 Professions Advisory Committee at Alfred University can prepare a Pre-Medical Committee Letter for students.

Candidates should apply through the American Association of Dental 学校 应用程序 Service (AADSAS).

Early Acceptance Program

LECOM与皇冠体育app有特殊的提前录取计划,授予合格的学生临时提前接受LECOM牙科医学院. EAP的申请与本科学院的申请是分开的.

A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. While current undergraduate students may apply, 他们应该联系学校的前健康顾问,看看他们是否符合条件. 学生必须在皇冠体育app第三年开始前提交问询表.


4+4 Track - This program is only available in Bradenton, FL. 学生必须在本科院校开始第三年之前获得EAP的临时录取通知书. Upon submitting an AADSAS application, completing four years of undergraduate study, taking the DAT and successfully meeting certain GPA and other requirements, the student enters LECOM’s School of Dental Medicine the following July. LECOM graduates receive a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree.


学生可以通过以下链接申请参加EAP“提前录取计划查询” 我的LECOM门户. LECOM will review the application. Student must meet the requirements to be successful.


  • 一定是U.S. citizen or permanent resident (international students may apply to Pharmacy);
  • Must not hold a bachelor’s degree or higher;
  • 在艾尔弗雷德大学的全日制学生必须至少有两年的剩余时间;
  • 在2016年3月1日之前参加的一次SAT成绩(数学和语言推理)大于或等于1170分, 在2016年3月1日之后的单次考试中,SAT成绩达到1240分或更高,或者在单次考试中,ACT综合成绩大于等于26分;
  • A high school GPA of 3.5对4.0 scale or higher.
  • 已经就读皇冠体育app的学生必须至少有3的累积总GPA.2 and a science GPA of 3.1或更高


If the student meets the requirements, LECOM将为学生提供EAP面试日期列表,以便学生自行安排面试.


Following a successful interview, LECOM将通知学生,他们有资格获得LECOM的临时录取通知书,并在皇冠体育app批准他们的选择并将他们的学校电子邮件地址提交给LECOM后,他们将被登记参加EAP. 的 student and Alfred will then be sent the provisional letter of acceptance.


Additional requirements, including a final application to LECOM, must be met for final acceptance to LECOM, but another interview is not required.


Dental schools do not select or give preference to any particular majors; therefore, you do not have to major in the sciences. Dental schools are looking for well-educated and well-rounded individuals.

的 minimum course requirements for most U.S. dental schools are listed below with their AU equivalent courses. 请检查 and website of specific dental schools for any additional requirements.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 ENGL 101 or other
英语 ENGL 102 or other
Math/Statistics (requirements vary by school)
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
2nd Math or Stats MATH 152; 381; 杂志226;
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
General 化学 I 化学105
General 化学 II 化学106
Organic 化学 I 化学315
Organic 化学 II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
Biological Foundations (requirement for 生物学 sequence) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
Structure and Function 杂志2

Additional Required or Relevant 课程work

一些学校要求或强烈建议申请人有高等科学课程的经验, particularly biochemistry, 生理学, 解剖学, and microbiology.


牙科学校希望确保申请人对牙科专业有真正的了解,并对牙科领域有奉献精神. 结果是, 你应该与牙科专业人士建立一种导师关系,并为牙齿健康项目建立一份持续的志愿者工作或服务记录.

Entrance Exam (DAT: Dental Admission Test)

Most dental schools require that applicants take the DAT, 该考试在程序测试中心的计算机上进行,学生可以通过美国牙科协会(ADA)的网站注册. 该测试通常在大三春季学期进行,涵盖四个研究领域:1)自然科学(生物学)的调查, general chemistry, and organic chemistry); 2) reading comprehension; 3) quantitative reasoning; and 4) perceptual ability.


Primary applications begin the summer of the year before enrollment. ADEA美国牙科学校联合申请服务(ADEA AADSAS®)是美国牙科学校的集中申请服务.S. dental schools and simplifies the application process, 让您节省时间和精力,只需完成一个申请多所牙科学校. Many schools have rolling admission policies, which mean that they will review applications on an ongoing basis, 当提交. 在截止日期之前提交材料的申请人可能会收到更早的面试和入学考虑! It is advisable to complete your application before the end of the summer.

Early Acceptance Program (EAP)

皇冠体育app有一个特殊的提前录取计划,授予合格的学生临时提前接受LECOM的牙科医学院. A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. 当前的本科生必须在大二结束前申请录取.

领导 and Community Service

重要的是,你是一个全面发展的申请人,在你的大学校园和社区中参加有意义的活动. 展示你的领导经验会让你从其他申请者中脱颖而出,并表明你正在积极地为将来成为一名牙医和社区领袖做准备.

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